Online poker is an enormous industry, but one that also has significant risks for players. This is primarily because state laws have specific requirements for operators to adhere to and they must steer clear of interstate operations prohibited by federal law. As a result, the industry has built an ecosystem of software creators and providers who supply services that help poker sites comply with these requirements. These include age and identity verification, financial services, anti-money laundering solutions, cyber security, fraud prevention, geolocation and responsible gambling advocacy.
While there are a number of different online poker platforms to choose from, most of the top sites offer similar features. This includes an easy-to-use interface, a large game library with a variety of games, and tournaments with big prize pools. In addition, the top poker sites offer a variety of payment methods to make it easier to deposit and withdraw winnings.
The biggest online poker sites offer a large selection of games, and you can find everything from classics like Texas Hold’em to the latest variants including Omaha and seven-card stud. Some even have video poker, blackjack and slot machines. In addition to cash games, these sites typically have numerous tournaments with huge prize pools, and you can even play a couple of hands for free.
Once you’ve found a poker site that has the games you want, it’s important to look at other factors before making your final decision. Aside from the games themselves, you should also take a close look at the site’s user interface and the software that powers it. You want the interface to be visually appealing and easy to use, while at the same time avoiding any distractions that might prevent you from getting down to business.
After a long legal battle on multiple fronts, the US federal government finally relented and passed an act to permit online poker in 2013. This is known as Black Friday, and it marked the beginning of the modern era of regulated interstate online poker.
However, the new era of interstate online poker was short-lived, and the new laws were struck down in early 2022. The federal government had tried to strike down the new era by using a controversial legal argument, but the courts ruled against the DOJ, allowing states to pursue their own policies without fear of federal prosecution.
After a few years, New Jersey passed its own regulated poker legislation, and joined the MSIGA with Delaware and Nevada. This allowed these three states to share player pools and increase revenue. Other states are now considering following suit, and it appears that the regulated interstate online poker market is finally taking off in the US.